Caters for private functions
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Groups & Social Events
Children's Parties
Hosting a party at St Clares Church Hall in Havant? Need an experienced DJ or Disco to make it unforgettable?
Look no further! has curated a list of the hottest DJs and mobile discos serving the Havant area, perfectly suited for events at St Clares Church Hall. From energetic crowd-pleasers to sophisticated ambience creators, there's a perfect match for your celebration!
Based on postcode
What types of event is St Clares Church Hall suited to?
St Clares Church Hall is suitable for a wide range of uses as a private hire venue.
To give you some idea about suitability, the following events have been or are planned to be held at St Clares Church Hall:
Is St Clares Church Hall fully accessible?
We are sure that St Clares Church Hall strives to offer a welcoming environment for all guests, but based on customer feedback we understand that full accessibility may vary depending on individual needs. To ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience, we recommend contacting St Clares Church Hall directly to discuss any accessibility requirements you may have.
How much should I expect to pay a mobile DJ company for a disco to be held at St Clares Church Hall?
Based on our analysis of 1600 recent events in the Havant area, you can expect to pay an average of £328 for a DJ for an evening wedding reception, around £259 for a typical evening function (birthday party, anniversary, fundraiser etc.), or in the region of £199 for a 2-3 hour childrens' party, for the DJ and disco sound / lighting equipment but no other extras. Visit to get rapid DJ quotes with no obligation to book.
Wedding Receptions in Havant and nearby
Evening Functions in and around Havant
Kids Parties in Havant and the PO postcode area
This listing has been compiled from public domain information, details provided by St Clares Church Hall or its representatives, and/or feedback from previous users of the venue. It is presented in good faith but is not warranted to be complete or free from errors. It is your responsibility to verify facts prior to making any commitments in respect of the details provided here. E&OE
Venue owners/managers can add to this detail or correct any errors by clicking here.
Details last updated: Wed, 04 Sep 2024 11:17:51 +0000